Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Hace un tiempo....

Pues si. HAce ya un tiempecillo k e dejado de lado el postear, pero no solo x pereza; k si k la ai y muxa, si no xq llega un momento k te kuestinas todo lo k aces i dices. Es una mierda el exo de tener k kontrolar siempre lo k dices o lo k aces delante de tal o de kual persona. Es una mierda tener este puto "miedo escenico" k en lo uniko k me ayuda es en encerrarme cada vez mas en mi mismo i perder komunicacion poko a poko konvirtiendome en un puto amargado k solo se puede desmelenar en casa kuando esta solo i pone a Jamiro a toda ostia para bailar sin tener k pensar: Joder, estoy aciendo el jilipollas; xq no lo siento asi solo intento pasarmelo bien..... Un puto miedo esceniko i una puta timidez k me an jodido i me van a joder siempre xq se k no soi kapaz (ni lo seré) de desacerme de ella, xq cada vez k intento perderla me siento un capullo aciendo el ridiculo. Se tiene k ir siempre kon pies de plomo.... y en gran medida ese es el puto problema. PD: A los "materiales" no buskeis un puto dibujito en la foto no ai nada mas de lo k se ve cabezones.....


Pablo. said...

Dios, parece que hables de mi totalmente (cambiando a jamiro por cualquier otra cosa que me guste), en serio tio, yo tambien siento eso, siempre, todos los dias, hora tras hora, es increíble como en pocas palabras eres capaz de describir "eso" tan chungo... un 10 jose por esta entrada!!

Dik said...

Demasiado Street Figther veo yo...mucha violencia...hay que jugar a juegos mas educativos como el GTA niños

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

animo xicooooo!!! no te decaigas!! tu puedes!!!!
(pura ironia)

te faltan pies de plomo y dos dedos de frente

Pablo. said...
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Pablo. said...
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Dik said...

Puto autor que suprime los comentarios!! Llibertat d'expresió! o vendra Honda a meterte con la cabeza... tu veras...

Pablo. said...

He sido yo pensando que había pasado una cosa pero no ha pasado, asi que pido disculpas por lo escrito!

Pep said...

Iep josep!! tranqui tiuu que con esos ojos azuless te quitan la vergüenza rapidamentee! y si no... pues nos vamos todos al camp nou!!!!

Dik said...

Venga comentarios!!

Anonymous said...

You know this boogie is for real
I used to put my faith in worship
But then my chance to get to Heaven slipped
I used to worry about the future
But then I threw my caution to the wind
I had no reason to be care free, no no no
Until I took a trip to the other side of town
Yeah yeah yeah, you know I heard that boogie rhythm
Hey - I had no choice but to get down down down down
Dance, nothing left for me to do but dance
Off these bad times I'm going through just dance
Got canned heat in my heals tonight, baby

I feel the thunder, see the lightning
I know this anger's heaven sent
So I've got to hang out all my hang-ups
Because of the boogie I feel so hell bent, hey hey
It's just an instant gut reaction, that I got
I know I never ever felt like this before
I don't know what to do
But then that's nothing new
Stuck between hell and high water
I need a cure to make it through

Hey dancing nothing left for me to do but dance
Off these bad times I'm going through just dance
Hey got canned heat in my heals tonight baby
You know know know I'm gonna dance yeah
Off the nasty things that people say
Dance yeah but I'm gonna make it anyway
Dance yeah got canned heat up my heels tonight baby
You know I've got canned heat up my heels

You know this boogie is for real
Only the wind can blow the answer
And she cries to me when I'm asleep
She says you know that you can go much faster
I know that peoples' talk can be so cheap
I got this voodoo child inveined on me
I'm gonna use my power to ascend
You know I got these running heels to use
Sometimes there's no way I lose
I was born to run and built to last
You've never seen my feet cause they move so fast

Dance yeah, hey nothing left for me to do but dance
Off these bad times I'm going through just dance, hey
Got canned heat in my heals tonight baby
Hey I've got to dance yeah
Off the nasty things that people say
Dance yeah, but I'm gonna make it anyway
Dance yeah, got canned heat up my heels tonight baby

You know this boogie is for real, got
So much canned heat in my heels yeah
Gonna dance, gonna dance my blues away tonight
You know I'm gonna dance my blues away
You know this boogie is for real, got
So much canned heat in my heels yeah
Gonna dance, gonna dance my blues away tonight
Dance, come on got canned heat in my heels tonight
Oh oh oh oh, canned heat in my heels tonight
Oh oh oh oh, canned heat in my heels tonight baby
Got so much

Dance, hey DJ let the music play
Let the music play
I'm gonna let this party live
I wanna let this party live
Hey DJ throw my cares away
Let the music play
I'm gonna live this party live
Hey DJ let the music play
I'm gonna let this party live
Hey DJ throw my cares away
I'm gonna let this party live
Canned heat in my heels tonight
Dance, you know this boogie is for real
Got so much canned heat in my heels
Gonna dance, gonna dance my blues away tonight,Whooooo
You know, you know this boogie this boogie is for real
Got so much canned heat canned heat in my heels
You know I'm gonna dance my blues away tonight

ala! anima't! mua! tastimu un munt!